Blog Occuspace

The Benefits of Occupancy Monitoring in 2021

Written by Occuspace | 10/03/23


Finally, a coronavirus vaccine is being rolled out and many of us are already dreaming about what a post-COVID life will look like. The vaccine will take some time to reach every American. Until then, businesses still need to think about ways to effectively and safely reopen.

Social distancing and masks will be necessary for the foreseeable future, making crowd-prevention vital for brick and mortar to have successful return to work or return to campus initiatives. In the short-term, occupancy monitoring technology can be used to promote social distancing and manage crowd densities, while also improving overall customer experience and building operational efficiencies.

Here are five ways occupancy monitoring can be beneficial as we look ahead to 2021:


Eases Anxiety

Today, there is much uncertainty about where things are going and how and if the world will return to a sense of normalcy. The unknown can cause anxiety, apprehension, and even fear about returning to work, school, or even everyday life.

Having “know before your go” technology can ease pandemic-related nerves by helping people make informed decisions about where they go. New crowd-monitoring apps and innovations can help put the power back into our hands as we begin to venture out again to public spaces, benefitting not only our mental but also physical health.


Improves the Visitor Experience

One of the main advantages of occupancy monitoring even before the pandemic is convenience. No more having to wait for a seat at your favorite restaurant or dealing with crowds at the grocery store.

By monitoring crowds in real-time, visitors will enjoy a more seamless in-person experience that mimics the digital one we all have come to love - no crowds or waiting to get what you need!

Occupancy monitoring has the power to change visitor experiences for the better and boost loyalty.


Builds Trust Through Transparency

For those planning to open their doors once again, occupancy monitoring has the ability to promote a safer, more comfortable environment for visitors. Occupancy monitoring allows for smart capacity management and consumer-facing crowd data, creating more comfortable work environments to socially-distanced in-store experiences.


Reduces Carbon Footprint

By monitoring foot traffic flows over time, you can ensure that data, not guesstimates, will guide decisions. Knowing how physical spaces are used will increase efficiencies and save money, especially when it comes to energy consumption. Occupancy technology can provide valuable insights into peak space usage and trends, enabling autonomous management of building controls such as lighting, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Use data to save energy, reduce out-of-pocket expenses, and create a more comfortable environment for visitors.


Optimizes Space Utilization

Accurate occupancy data can tell you which buildings, floors, and spaces are being underused, or are more prone to crowding. This information makes it easier to manage your high- or low-density areas, and if necessary make changes to re-allocate the space to meet COVID capacity requirements and/or invest in developing or acquiring additional square footage to accommodate foot traffic.

Occupancy monitoring technology can be a cost-effective, privacy-friendly, and convenient solution for your reopening initiatives (with the right vendor). Learn More about Occuspace’s easy and affordable occupancy management solution.



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